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Personal Information Policy

Wyndham Grand Busan attaches great importance to the protection of personal information of users (or “customers”) and does its best to ensure that the personal information provided by users to Wyndham Grand Busan while using Wyndham Grand Busan’s services is protected.

Wyndham Grand Busan attaches great importance to the protection of personal information of users (or “customers”) and does its best to ensure that the personal information provided by users to Wyndham Grand Busan while using Wyndham Grand Busan’s services is protected.

In addition, when Wyndham Grand Busan changes its personal information processing policy, it posts all details, including the date of change, on the website through notices and pop-up windows so that users who access it can easily check the changed information within Wyndham Grand Busan. We are taking appropriate measures to ensure that visiting customers can easily check any changes at any time by posting and displaying the information.

Wyndham Grand Busan's personal information processing policy contains the following contents.

Wyndham Grand Busan’s privacy policy

  • 1. Consent to the collection and use of personal information
  • 2. Consent to providing information for service delivery
  • 3. Provision of personal information to a third party
  • 4. Period of retention and use of personal information
  • 5. Method of destruction and procedure of personal information
  • 6. Rights of users and legal representatives and methods of exercising them
  • 7. Technical and administrative measures for personal information protection
  • 8. Personal information protection officer
  • 9. Opinion collection and complaint handling
  • 10. Obligations and Guidelines for Policy Changes

1. Consent to the collection and use of personal information

Customer consent to the collection, use, processing consignment, and provision of personal information of customers under the "Personal Information Processing Policy" of Wyndham Grand Busan is made by familiarizing them with the details of the "Consent to Collect and Use Personal Information" attached to the "Accommodation Registration Card" or "Application for Membership" and signing the consent form.

2. Consent to providing information for service delivery

A). Items of personal information collection and purpose of use
  • Wyndham Grand Busan collects personal information necessary to provide reservations and various services. If customer do not fill out the required information, customer cannot use the service, but there is no restriction on subscription and service use even if customer do not enter the information corresponding to the selection.
  • During the service use process or reservation process, the following information may be automatically generated and collected, stored, combined, and analyzed. Usage history information such as service usage records (IP address, cookies, date and time of visit, etc.) and device information (terminal identification number, OS information, etc.)
  • When Wyndham Grand Busan collects a customer's personal information, it must obtain the customer's consent unless there is a legal basis for collecting it. Race, place of origin, domicile, ideology, political inclination, and criminal record that may violate the customer's basic human rights are collected. Information such as health status is not collected except with the customer's consent or in accordance with the provisions of the law.
  • Wyndham Grand Busan allows membership to those over 14 years of age, and does not, in principle, collect personal information from children under 14 years of age who require the consent of a legal representative for the collection and use of personal information. However, we may collect and use personal information of users under the age of 14 if we obtain the consent of their legal representative.
  • Wyndham Grand Busan may collect personal information in the following ways.
    1) Homepage, writing, fax, phone, customer service center, event application
    2) Automatic collection through generated information collection tool
윈덤그랜드 개인정보처리방침 내용 제공
Division Collection items Purpose of use Retention period Collection method
Room registration card Essential Name, date of birth, nationality, mobile phone number, email, stay information Identity verification process to provide Wyndham Grand Busan's return visit service, handling civil complaints such as handling complaints and handling of lost items, handling problems related to hotel use, and providing other services Retained for 2 years from the date of stay (If not agreed, destroyed 5days after check-out) Customer card
Option Gender, country, city/city, phone number, departure date, company name, position, preference information, requested information (if requested) Providing personal identification, recognition services, and customized services 2 years from the date of stay
Option Email, mobile phone number Discounted and new product information and marketing utilization, etc. Period of consent
Room Reservation Essential Name (English/passport name), date of birth, email, contact (mobile, home or company), credit card information (credit card type, number, expiration date Provision of room reservation service, delivery of reservation-related information and notices, provision of express check-in service, payment of guarantees and penalties, handling of customer complaints such as customer complaints, prevention of illegal use, handling of legal disputes, etc.
* Collected credit card information is stored within 90 days by encryption token management for guarantee/penalty payment, room rates will be charged upon subsequent check-in.
2 years, (5 days from the date of cancellation when canceling a reservation) Online
Option Credit card information (card number, expiration date, card type) Hotel Room Reservation Easy Service
Restaurant reservations Essential Name (Korean/English), contact information (mobile phone), payment details (payment and discount amount, payment date and time), IP and cookie information, hotel restaurant reservations and service use Identity verification and personal identification, customer notice, Securing a smooth communication path for handling complaints, handling legal disputes, etc. 2 years Online
Option Email, other requests Information on restaurant discounts and new menus, Use for marketing purposes
Essential Name, Mobile phone Reservation consultation service provided 5 days In writing
Wyndham Rewards Membership Essential Passport name (English), date of birth, country, mobile phone number, email, membership number, reservation and lodging information (including stay period, accommodation fee, purchase amount), point accumulation and usage history, discount history Information is passed on to Wyndham Hotels & Resorts for identity verification and membership registration, personal identification, point accumulation and use, provision of various membership services such as discounts, member notices, securing a smooth communication path for complaint handling, and handling legal disputes, etc. Until membership withdrawal Delivery and collection of information in writing and from Wyndham Hotels & Resorts
Option Required collection items, name (Korean) Customized service, member service-related information, hotel discount products and new product information, marketing utilization
Opera (PMS) Essential Name, date of birth, nationality, mobile phone number, email, accommodation information, Wyndham Rewards membership information, etc. [Selection: gender, country, city/city, phone number, departure date, company name, position, preference information, request information] Opera Cloud Reservation Service Automatically deleted after being retained for 1 year from the date of stay Online
Fitness club membership (Wyndham Wellness Club) Essential Fitness club membership (Wyndham Wellness Club) Essential Name (Korean/English), photo, date of birth, mobile phone number, address (home, work), phone number (home, work), mailing address, member type, application reception date, membership number, dues billing date, deposit date Identity verification and personal identification, provision of membership services, notices and guidance to members (used for emergency contact in the event of an emergency), billing and payment of annual membership fees, handling of civil complaints such as inquiries and complaints, handling of legal disputes, etc. Until membership withdrawal In writing Fitness club membership (Wyndham Wellness Club) Essential Name (Korean/English), photo, date of birth, mobile phone number, address (home, work), phone number (home, work), mailing address, member type, application reception date, membership number, dues billing date, deposit date Identity verification and personal identification, provision of membership services, notices and guidance to members (used for emergency contact in the event of an emergency), billing and payment of annual membership fees, handling of civil complaints such as inquiries and complaints, handling of legal disputes, etc. Until membership withdrawal In writing Until membership withdrawal In writing
Essential Resident registration number Report upon transfer and acquisition Until the report is completed
Option Gender, email, company name, position, vehicle information, address, phone number, mobile phone number, email Personal identification, provision of customized services for each member, guidance on hotel discounts and new products, and marketing utilization Until membership withdrawal
Event Essential Name, contact information, delivery product: address, email Securing a smooth communication path, including event prize winning announcements, delivery of notices, inquiries, and complaint handling Period of consent In writing
Option Name, resident registration number, address When reporting taxes and fees (50,000 won or more) Until the report is completed
Currency exchange (foreign exchange transaction) Essential Name, passport number, nationality Reporting of currency exchange and foreign exchange transactions 5 years Offline
Cash receipts Essential Mobile phone number, cash receipt, card number Cash receipt issuance 5 years Offline
B). Consent to provision of information to consignment company for use of service

Wyndham Grand Busan entrusts the processing of personal information as follows in order to provide essential services to customers and promote customer convenience. When entrusting the processing of personal information, compliance with laws and regulations related to personal information protection through consignment work contracts, etc., confidentiality of personal information, prohibition of provision to third parties, liability in the event of an accident, consignment period, and return of personal information after completion of processing We also provide management, supervision, and training to ensure compliance with the destruction obligations.

윈덤그랜드 개인정보처리방침 내용 제공
Purpose of consignment Consignment company
Computer processing of information and system development/maintenance/management ORACLE
Banquet and food and beverage reservation system maintenance Tablecheck
Tablecheck NICE, Ujung Info. Systems
  • Period of use: Until membership withdrawal
  • Retention period: Until membership withdrawal

3. Provision of personal information to a third party

For the purpose of providing better services to customers, Wyndham Grand Busan provides 'recipients of personal information, purpose of use of personal information of recipients of personal information, items of personal information provided, and personal information of recipients of personal information. The ‘retention and use period’ is specified, and the information is not provided to third parties beyond the scope of consent. However, with the exception of the following cases.

  • When prior consent from the customer is obtained
  • Laws such as the Communications Secrets Protection Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Act on Real Name Financial Transactions and Guarantee of Confidentiality, the Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information, the Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Consumer Protection Act, and the Criminal Procedure Act. If there are special provisions.(However, even if a request is made by an administrative office or investigative agency for administrative or investigative purposes in cases where there are special provisions in the law, the request may be made in accordance with lawful procedures, such as in the case of a warrant or a document with the seal of the head of the agency as prescribed by law. We provide customer personal information only when requested.)
  • Meanwhile, for better service, customer personal information may be provided to or shared with affiliates. When providing or sharing personal information, we will go through a process of individually seeking consent through e-mail, internet website, phone, and writing regarding the recipient of personal information, purpose of use, items provided, retention and use period, and If the customer does not consent, the information will not be provided to or shared with affiliates.

4. Period of retention and use of personal information

Customer personal information will be destroyed without delay after the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved, such as withdrawal from membership or loss of qualification. Additionally, if it is provided to a third party, we will take steps to destroy it without delay. Wyndham Grand Busan uses personal information held only for storage purposes, and the retention period is as follows.

  • Records of contracts (registration) or cancellation of subscription, etc. - Reason for retention: Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. - Preservation period: 5 years
  • Records of payment and supply of goods, etc. - Reason for preservation: Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. - Preservation period: 5 years
  • Records of consumer complaints or dispute resolution - Reason for retention: Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. - Retention period: 3 years
  • Personal identification information and preference information for repeat visits and customized services: 5 years
  • Other cases where customer consent is obtained: Retained until the consent period is obtained

5. Method of destruction and procedure of personal information

In principle, Wyndham Grand Busan destroys personal information without delay after the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved. Destruction procedures and methods are as follows.

  • Destruction Procedure - Information entered by customers for use of services, etc. is stored for a certain period of time (refer to retention and use period) and then destroyed according to information protection reasons according to internal policy and other related laws after the purpose has been achieved. - Personal information will not be used for any other purpose other than being preserved as required by law.
  • Destruction method - Personal information printed on paper is destroyed by shredding or incineration. - Personal information stored in electronic file format is deleted using a technical method that renders the record unrecoverable.

6. Rights of users and legal representatives and methods of exercising them

Users can view, modify, or stop processing their registered personal information at any time by contacting the website or the person in charge of personal information protection by phone or e-mail, or request cancellation of membership. If a customer requests correction of an error in personal information being used, the personal information will not be used or provided until the correction is completed. Additionally, if incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the third party of the result of the correction without delay so that the correction can be made. Customer may stop processing your personal information. However, in cases where there are special provisions in the relevant laws or where it is unavoidable to comply with statutory obligations, or where there is a risk of harm to the life or body of another person, or a risk of unfairly infringing on another person's property or other interests, the request is required. Customer may refuse, and if any relevant reason arises, we will notify customer without delay. Wyndham Grand Busan processes personal information that has been canceled or deleted at the user's request in accordance with the “Retention and Use Period of Personal Information Collected by Wyndham Grand Busan” and processes it so that it cannot be viewed or used for any other purpose. Wyndham Grand Busan complies with relevant laws, including the Tourism Promotion Act, and in principle prohibits membership of minors under the age of 19.

7. Technical and administrative measures for personal information protection

Wyndham Grand Busan prepares and implements technical and managerial measures to safely protect personal information when processing users' personal information. The user's personal information is protected by a password, and files and transmission data are encrypted and protected through a separate security function. Wyndham Grand Busan prepares for emergencies by taking the following technical measures necessary to ensure safety to prevent your personal information from being lost, stolen, leaked, altered, or damaged from the website due to hacking, etc.

  • Customer personal information document encryption, USB access control
  • Access control using passwords, etc. to block unauthorized access
  • Measures to prevent computer viruses, such as installing and operating anti-virus programs
  • In order to prevent users' personal information from being leaked due to hacking, etc., a separate network was established, a firewall was installed and operated to configure security and access policies, and data security stability was secured by using a company-only line.
  • Installation and operation of access control devices such as intrusion prevention systems
  • Data backup and other technical measures necessary to ensure stability

Wyndham Grand Busan limits the number of people who can handle your personal information to the minimum number of people required, and we continue to provide regular and irregular security training for those people, and we are making efforts to prevent personal information from being leaked by frequently checking internal security conditions. In addition, we establish procedures necessary for accessing and managing your personal information and ensure that our executives and employees are aware of and comply with them. Designate a person in charge with access to personal information, give them an ID and password, and update the password regularly.

  • Conduct regular training on personal information protection obligations for personal information processors
  • Performed in accordance with internal audit procedures for personal information protection
  • Perform physical access control to major protected areas such as computer rooms/server rooms

8. Personal information protection officer

In order to protect customers' personal information and handle complaints related to personal information, Wyndham Grand Busan designates the relevant departments and personal information protection manager as follows. Customers may report any complaints related to personal information protection that arise while using Wyndham Grand Busan's services to the Personal Information Protection Manager or Personal Information Protection Department. Wyndham Grand Busan will promptly and sufficiently respond to user reports.

윈덤그랜드 개인정보처리방침 내용 제공
Name/Position Affiliation PH No FAX E-mail
Personal Information Protection Officer
General Manager Park Jiho
Wyndham Grand Busan 051.933.6892 051-933-6700 jiho.park@wyndhamgrandbusan.com
Personal Information Protection Manager(Rooms)
Team Leader Ryu Hyunwook
Wyndham Grand Busan 051.933.6850 051-933-6700 louis.ryu@wyndhamgrandbusan.com
Personal Information Protection Manager (IT)
Team Leader Kim Yeonhak
Wyndham Grand Busan 051.933.6825 051-933-6700 pitt.kim@wyndhamgrandbusan.com
Personal Information Protection Handler (Marketing)
Team Leader Lee Juyoung
Wyndham Grand Busan 051.933.6849 051-933-6700 Luna.lee@wyndhamgrandbusan.com

9. Opinion collection and complaint handling

Wyndham Grand Busan values our customers’ opinions very much. If customer have any questions, please visit us in person or contact us at the customer center or through customer feedback provided on our website, and we will respond quickly and accurately.

  • Customer Service Center : PH No. : 051.993.3000 / www.wyndhamgrandbusan.com

If customer need consultation regarding other personal information infringements, customer may contact the organizations below.

  • Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee : PH No. : 1833-6972 / http://www.kopico.go.kr
  • Personal Information Infringement Reporting Center : PH No. : (Without area code)1336 / http://www.1336.or.kr
  • Supreme Prosecutors' Office Internet Crime Investigation Center : PH No. : 02-3480-3600 / http://icic.sppo.go.kr
  • National Police Agency Cyber Terror Response Center : PH No. : 02-393-9112 / http://netan.go.kr

10. Obligations and Guidelines for Policy Changes

  • This personal information handling policy was enacted on September 10, 2023, and if there is any addition/deletion or modification of the contents due to changes in laws, policies, or security technology, the reason and contents of the change will be posted without delay through Wyndham Grand Busan's website. We will notify customer.
  • Customer can view, edit, and cancel your personal information through Wyndham Hotels & Resorts' Wyndham Rewards website (https://www.wyndhamhotels.com/wyndham-rewards), and follow the privacy policy and privacy policy related to Wyndham Rewards membership. This policy is separate and unrelated to “Wyndham Grand Busan Hotel.” Customer may object to the sharing of your data between the Group and Hotels at any time by contacting us directly in writing at privacy@wyndham.com. Customer have the right to request from the data controller access to your personal data, rectification, deletion, restriction of processing or right to data portability. Customer also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. Customer can find more information on our website at www.wyndhamhotels.com or request a copy of our data protection provisions.